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HomeMembership Benefits

Members of the Coastal Cruisers Bike club cite "friendliness" as their number one reason for participating in club rides and events. Perhaps the second most important benefit is the experience of organized rides along safe and scenic roadways led by designated ride leaders and sweeps. As a volunteer managed club, there are plenty of opportunities to participate in and to enjoy all club services and activities.

Log In services:

  • order a laminated name tag for your bike
  • update your membership profile
  • look up another member
  • post your for sale bike items
  • create an album of any number of your bike photos
  • use the Forum to discuss and plan non-CCBC sponsored rides
  • start your own Blog


  • social events like the No-Snow Holiday Ball
  • a dynamic and informative web site
  • special rides like the Pasta Bash and Withlacoochee Trail Ride
  • monthly meetings with informative and entertaining presentations

Anyone joining or renewing membership between January 1 and September 30 of a given year will be required to pay the full amount of the membership fee for that year and their membership will expire on December 31 of that same year. Anyone joining or renewing membership between October 1 and December 31 of a given year will be required to pay the full amount of the membership fee for that year. However, their membership will not expire on December 31 of that year, but will continue into the following year until December 31 of that year, at which time it will expire.